cbc fishbone diagram

When it comes to analyzing problems and identifying their root causes, the CBC Fishbone Diagram is a valuable tool that can provide immense insights. Also known as the Cause and Effect Diagram or Ishikawa Diagram, this technique helps in visually organizing potential causes of an issue, making it easier to identify and address the underlying factors. In this article, we will dive deep into the CBC Fishbone Diagram, exploring its purpose, benefits, and steps to create one effectively. So, let’s get started!

What is the CBC Fishbone Diagram?

The CBC Fishbone Diagram is a cause and effect analysis tool used to identify the potential causes of a problem or an effect. It was developed by Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a renowned Japanese quality control expert, in the 1960s. The diagram gets its name due to its resemblance to the skeletal structure of a fish, with the problem or effect being depicted as the “head” and the potential causes as the “bones.”

By visually mapping out the causes of a problem, the CBC Fishbone Diagram can help in understanding the interrelationships between various factors and determining the most probable root cause. This method is widely used in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and project management.

Why Use the CBC Fishbone Diagram?

The CBC Fishbone Diagram offers several benefits that make it a valuable tool for problem-solving and decision-making. Let’s explore some of its key advantages:

1. Visual Representation:

Unlike traditional lists or tables, the CBC Fishbone Diagram provides a visual representation of the potential causes, making it easier to understand and analyze complex problems.

2. Identifying Root Causes:

By categorizing potential causes into different branches, the CBC Fishbone Diagram helps in identifying the root cause of a problem, rather than just addressing the symptoms.

3. Collaboration and Communication:

The diagram encourages team collaboration as it involves brainstorming sessions to identify potential causes. It also facilitates effective communication by providing a clear and concise visual representation of the problem and its causes.

4. Problem Prevention:

By analyzing the potential causes of a problem, the CBC Fishbone Diagram helps in developing preventive measures to avoid similar issues in the future, leading to improved efficiency and productivity.

Creating a CBC Fishbone Diagram:

Now that we understand the significance of the CBC Fishbone Diagram, let’s explore the step-by-step process to create one:

Step 1: Identify the Problem or Effect

Start by clearly defining the problem or effect that you want to analyze. This could be an issue, a challenge, or an opportunity for improvement.

Step 2: Determine Major Categories

Identify the major categories that could be potential causes of the problem. These categories can vary depending on the nature of the problem but commonly include People, Process, Equipment, Materials, Environment, and Management.

Step 3: Draw the Fishbone Diagram

Draw a horizontal line across the center of the page or whiteboard, representing the backbone of the fish. At the end of the line, draw a horizontal arrow pointing towards the head of the fish, which represents the problem or effect.

From each major category identified in Step 2, draw diagonal lines that connect to the backbone of the fish. These lines represent the “bones” of the fish. Label each bone with the respective category.

Now, brainstorm potential causes within each category and draw smaller diagonal lines, called “sub-bones,” connecting them to the corresponding major bone. Label each sub-bone with a specific cause.

Step 4: Analyze and Prioritize Causes

Once you have identified potential causes, analyze their impact and likelihood of occurrence. Prioritize the causes that are most significant and likely to be the root cause of the problem.

Step 5: Take Action

Based on the analysis, develop an action plan to address the identified causes. Assign responsibilities, set timelines, and implement the necessary changes to eliminate or mitigate the root cause.

Examples of CBC Fishbone Diagrams

To better understand the CBC Fishbone Diagram, let’s consider a couple of examples:

Example 1: Manufacturing Defects

Problem: High defect rates in the manufacturing process.

Categories: Manpower, Methods, Machines, Materials, Measurements, Environment.

Potential Causes:

  1. Insufficient training of operators (Manpower)
  2. Inadequate quality control procedures (Methods)
  3. Outdated machinery (Machines)
  4. Low-quality raw materials (Materials)
  5. Incorrect measurements (Measurements)
  6. Inadequate temperature control in the production area (Environment)

By analyzing the potential causes, the manufacturing company can take appropriate actions to reduce defect rates, such as providing training programs for operators, implementing stricter quality control measures, and upgrading machinery.

Example 2: Project Delays

Problem: Frequent delays in project completion.

Categories: People, Processes, Equipment, Materials, Management.

Potential Causes:

  1. Inadequate communication among team members (People)
  2. Inefficient project planning and scheduling (Processes)
  3. Outdated or malfunctioning equipment (Equipment)
  4. Delayed material deliveries (Materials)
  5. Poor project management (Management)

By addressing the identified causes, the project team can improve communication channels, streamline project processes, ensure equipment maintenance, and optimize material procurement, resulting in timely project completion.


The CBC Fishbone Diagram is a powerful tool for analyzing problems and identifying their root causes. By visually organizing potential causes into categories, this technique helps in understanding the interrelationships between various factors and finding effective solutions. Whether you are facing manufacturing defects, project delays, or any other problem, the CBC Fishbone Diagram can guide you towards the root cause and enable you to take targeted actions for improvement. Start using this valuable tool today and unlock its potential to enhance your problem-solving capabilities!