Flowchart Diagram, the Best Choice for Your Presentation

Are you planning to hold a presentation for your project? The first thing you need to do here is to create a DIAGRAM that accompanies the material you wrote on your presentation sheet. A diagram holds an important role in providing a detailed and easy-to-understand explanation. Without it, you will need to explain every topic. That could take a lot of time. Furthermore, it also won’t guarantee that your audience will understand your explanation.

The Flowchart Diagram 

Now, if you want to choose the best diagram for your presentation, you have various options. One of the best choices is the flowchart diagram.

The flowchart diagram has many features and advantages over other diagrams. You can use it for almost any subject or topic of presentation. The design allows you to create a flow of the explanation, plus help your audience to understand your topic much easier.

Furthermore, it is divided into several sections, which gives you more freedom to put any subtopic in it. Then, with its connecting flow, you also can make each of that subtopic provide a detailed explanation for others. This way, the one diagram merges all information you want to present into one. This form also helps you to save time in the explanation part.

How to Create a Good Flowchart Diagram

Even though the flowchart diagram is one of the best diagram designs you can use for presentation, you must create it with a proper plan. A good diagram could turn difficult to understand and complicated if you don’t know how to optimize each element in that diagram. As for the flowchart diagram, here is what you need to do to make it the best diagram for your presentation.

  • Design Element Uniformity

The first thing you can do is choose a similar or one-pattern design element. In the flowchart diagram, you will use a lot of shapes, spaces, lines, icons, and other elements to show each part of the topic that you want to explain. Use it on those parts. So, if you use the oval or box with a rounded edge, you need to use the same shape on the entire part.

The same pattern will eliminate the factor that can distract audiences’ attention. If you use too many or different shapes, it only obstructs your presentation. Remember, the focus here is the text that contains the information you want to tell to the audience. So, try to make the other elements not so stand out, as they are only the supporting parts of your presentation.

  • Optimize the One Page Diagram

Use one page of the presentation slide as optimistically as you can. You can’t use one page for the whole presentation material. However, you can divide the material into several pages. Each of those pages should contain very detailed information about each topic or subtopic. Do not use one page with too much information. Make sure that the text you put on each page is readable.

Now, for the other material that doesn’t fit on one page, you can always use several pages with multiple charts. And, to move between the pages, you can add hyperlinks that connect one page to another. The hyperlink will help you to keep the flow of the presentation smoother. You also can easily open the page that you think you want to open to support the current information or material you are explaining to audiences.

  • Use Left to Right Direction

This is the standard direction that almost all language uses as the reading direction. Unless your language uses the opposite direction, keep your flowchart in this direction. Put the main topic on the left side. Then, you can make the flowchart and branch bracket on the right side that will explain the main topic.

When you make the flow from left to right, make sure you also put enough space between boxes. It will create a more comfortable view for audiences to read all the materials you put on that page. This design also makes the information easier to comprehend. Plus, when you use this direction, it means you also put the link to the next page on the right side of the page. This location is easier to reach and click after you explain the topic.

  • Use Split Path

The traditional diagram uses the diamond shape to explain the topic. However, this shape comes with many problems. For example, the diamond shape will create more than one flow on one page. It doesn’t match with the left-to-right direction that we mentioned before. Thus, it also distracts the audience’s attention. You, the presenter, could have a problem explaining these two flows at one time.

Furthermore, the traditional diamond shape also is known with many symbols to represent the information. It needs the symbols because there is too much data on one page. It represents the information to save space on one page. Unfortunately, not all audience knows and understands the symbol. You must explain it first, which takes more time.

The split path doesn’t have those complicated problems. It offers a simple shape and flows from left to right. You also don’t need too many symbols. Your audience also easily understands it, as they can read it from the text you put on the flowchart.

  • Place the Return Line in the Right Place

The best place for the return line is under the diagram. Naturally, we would read the text from the top left to the bottom right of the page. Therefore, placing the return line on the bottom part of the diagram allows you to keep the flow easy to follow. Plus, it also helps you to operate the slide.


Now, you know what kind of DIAGRAM you should use for your presentation. Choose the right design and place the information in the right place in the diagram. It helps you present the topic easier and improves the comprehensive level of the presentation topic. In short, you can easily send your message.