flowchart symbol

If you’re working on a process, system, or project, chances are, you’ve encountered a flowchart before. A flowchart is a visual representation of a sequence of steps or processes, usually depicted through various symbols and shapes. Each symbol represents a different action or decision, and understanding these symbols is crucial in creating an accurate and effective flowchart. In this article, we’ll be discussing the different flowchart symbols and what they mean.

The Oval Symbol

The oval symbol is typically used to represent the start and end points of a process. It’s usually the first and last symbol in a flowchart. The oval symbol is also known as the terminator symbol, as it marks the beginning and end of a process.

The Rectangle Symbol

The rectangle symbol represents a process or action that needs to be taken. This includes any step that needs to be completed, such as filling out a form, sending an email, or making a phone call. The rectangle symbol is also known as the process symbol.

The Diamond Symbol

The diamond symbol represents a decision point in the process. This symbol is used to indicate a branching point in the process, where a decision needs to be made based on a certain criterion. For example, a diamond symbol may represent a “yes” or “no” question, or a decision based on a specific set of conditions.

The Arrow Symbol

The arrow symbol is used to connect the different symbols in a flowchart. It represents the flow of the process from one step to the next. Arrows can be straight or curved, and can point in different directions depending on the flow of the process.

The Parallelogram Symbol

The parallelogram symbol represents input or output. This symbol is used to indicate where data or information is coming from or going to. For example, a parallelogram symbol may represent a database where information is stored, or a printer where data is outputted.

The Circle Symbol

The circle symbol represents a point in the process where information is stored. This symbol is used to indicate where data is being stored or retrieved from. For example, a circle symbol may represent a file where data is stored, or a server where information is retrieved from.

The Curved Arrow Symbol

The curved arrow symbol represents a jump in the process. This symbol is used to indicate a jump from one part of the process to another, without following the normal flow. For example, a curved arrow symbol may represent a loop in the process, where the same steps are repeated multiple times.

The Cloud Symbol

The cloud symbol represents an off-page connector. This symbol is used to indicate where the process continues on another page or document. For example, a cloud symbol may represent a link to another document or a reference to an external system.

The Hexagon Symbol

The hexagon symbol represents a manual operation. This symbol is used to indicate a step in the process that requires human intervention or manual operation. For example, a hexagon symbol may represent a step where a person needs to manually enter data into a system.

The Pentagon Symbol

The pentagon symbol represents a delay in the process. This symbol is used to indicate a step in the process that may take some time to complete. For example, a pentagon symbol may represent a step where a system needs to process data before moving on to the next step.

The Triangle Symbol

The triangle symbol represents a storage location. This symbol is used to indicate a location where data or information is being stored or retrieved from. For example, a triangle symbol may represent a file cabinet where data is stored, or a cloud storage system where information is retrieved from.


Understanding the different flowchart symbols is essential in creating an accurate and effective flowchart. Each symbol represents a different action or decision, and knowing what they mean can help you create a clear and concise flowchart. By using the right symbols, you can create a visual representation of your process or system that is easy to understand and follow.